I love misty mornings

Nearly everyone who spoke to me moaned about the mist - but I love it - cos you get to see things like this when walking to the studio
If you look closely you can see Mrs Spider enjoying the mist too

Working on stags and dragonflies - but they're not ready to show themselves yet - whatch this space for further news.

Judy Logan
Contemporary Artist

Getting on with it

Getting on with it

Back from London, dropped off 3 crow prints at ArtCell for a Christmas Exhibition with the Stray Artists group and I'm now focused on getting on with some new work.

At times I feel like this........'can anybody hear me'

....and at other times I just know things are going in the right direction, when sitting by a pond and having Mr Dragonfly pop down in front on me in exactly the right pose.

Started on several paintings at once as want to get energy and freshness on the page and not get caught up in focusing too intently and getting caught up with being too precious.

Judy Logan
Mixed Media Artist

Surprise 18th Century Dragonfly in UCL London

Surprise 18th Century Dragonfly in UCL London

Visited the Grant Museum of Zoology with my friends, Mi and Leah. Went to look for wings and ended up discovering a wonderous dragonfly caught around 1865.

Very beautiful, but very difficult to find as at the back of the display cabinet
No problem, staff happy to get it out for us. Sketches were a bit stiff to start off, but soon loosened up, especially when using ink and water pen/brush to create lovely loose washes and movement. Cant wait to work these up into some sloshy paintings.

Judy Logan
Mixed Media Artist